Gram City

Gram City

Gram City



The Team

UX/UI Design


1 week


User Research Analysis

Competitive Analysis


User Journey


High Fidelity


User Testing

The Problem

When visiting a new place, people enjoy capturing photos of picturesque or iconic locations, whether for sharing on social media or keeping memories. However, it is a tedious process to research for impressive photo spots and organize the traveling around them. Additionally, missing out on nearby Instagram-worthy spots can be frustrating for users.

The Solution

Gram City is a mobile app designed to:

  • simplify the process of searching for captivating photo spots

  • planning routes

  • and navigating to the spots.

All functions are tailored to users' interests and travel preferences. By offering a seamless search experience, Gram City enables users to capture stunning photos and enhance their travel adventures, ensuring they make the most of their trips.

The Achievement

A mobile app design that successfully incorporated the needs and goals of all personas, receiving positive feedback from 80% of usability test participants.

The Team

UX Lead (Me)

2 UX Designers


4 weeks


Competitor Analysis





The Problem

The Dinner Daily is a web-based platform that offers weekly meal plans and grocery shopping assistance. The company was experiencing a concerning retention rate. The hypothesis is that users were struggling to perform essential tasks on the dashboard, which led to a low return rate, affecting user satisfaction and retention.

The Solution

We enhanced the dashboard interface by simplifying the user journey and providing a flexible, intuitive experience while highlighting The Dinner Daily's key services. The new design delivers a seamless experience with vibrant colors and smooth animations that delight users.

The Achievement

The improved design achieved a 100% success rate in completing two essential tasks: navigating the weekly meal plan and generating the grocery list.

The Team

2 UX Designers

UX Lead (Me)


4 weeks


Competitor Analysis





The Problem

The Dinner Daily is a web-based platform that offers weekly meal plans and grocery shopping assistance. The company was experiencing a concerning retention rate. The hypothesis is that users were struggling to perform essential tasks on the dashboard, which led to a low return rate, affecting user satisfaction and retention.

The Solution

We enhanced the dashboard interface by simplifying the user journey and providing a flexible, intuitive experience while highlighting The Dinner Daily's key services. The new design delivers a seamless experience with vibrant colors and smooth animations that delight users.

The Achievement

The improved design achieved a 100% success rate in completing two essential tasks: navigating the weekly meal plan and generating the grocery list.



Research Synthesis


Journey Mapping

Competitive Analysis


Problem Statement



High Fidelity


Visual Design


User Testing



Stakeholder Interview

Design Critique

Competitive Analysis



Problem Statement


User Flow


High Fidelity


Visual Design


User Testing


User Interview

Based on 10 interviews conducted for user research, I noticed a frequent theme in users' opinions about the types of places they want to photograph when traveling to a new area.

“If I’m in a new city, I like to get a good mix of typical touristy pictures in front of popular buildings and sites…”

“If I’m in a new city, I like to get a good mix of typical touristy pictures in front of popular buildings and sites…”

"I’d rather find some good places near me that i can take photos of while I’m enjoying my time travelling. ”

"I’d rather find some good places near me that i can take photos of while I’m enjoying my time travelling. ”

"I’ll actually plan out the photos I want to take before hand-it’s worth it to go out of the way for a good one.”

"I’ll actually plan out the photos I want to take before hand-it’s worth it to go out of the way for a good one.”

Research Synthesis

I grouped opinions that have similar themes/keywords together and noticed frequent patterns (see photo below). Users commonly search for near me, popular spots, historical, hidden gem or movie famous.

User Persona

Casual users vs. avid users.

Two user personas were discovered in the user research for the Gram City app. The first is casual users, who primarily use the app during their trips to search for places on the spot without heavy planning.

Meanwhile, avid users frequently rely on Gram City for detailed route planning before their trips and are highly engaged with all the features that Gram City provides.

"The Casual User" Persona - Nick Carter

Nick Carter

Age: 24

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Occupation: Video Editor


Nick usually doesn't have strict travel plans. He enjoys finding good spots for photos; however, he doesn't like to spend too much time researching or traveling out of his way to find the spots.


  • No strict travelling plan

  • No strict travelling plan

  • Search for places on the spot


  • Miss out good photo spots near him

  • Miss out on travel experience

Nick's User Journey


Enter place

Search "Near Me"

Save spots for later


Refresh current location

Search "Near Me"


View "Saved Spots"

Pick spots


"The Avid User" Persona - Sarah Mitchell

Sarah Mitchell

Age: 27

Location: Chicago, IL

Occupation: Event Production


In the past, Sarah took a photography class for personal interest. She is a more invested user than Nick, conducting deep research beforehand to ensure she can visit as many photo opportunities as possible.


  • Try to visit as many places as possible

  • Take impressive photos for her Instagram


  • Photo spots not as expected

  • Lack of inspirations of ways to take photos

Sarah's User Journey


Enter place

Search "Most Popular"

View "Others' Photos"/


Save spots


View "Saved Spots"

Navigate to spots

Check "Others' Photos"


Check "Others'



Competitive Analysis

I grouped opinions that have similar themes/keywords together and noticed frequent patterns (see photo below). Users commonly search for near me, popular spots, historical, hidden gem or movie famous.


Strength :

  • All-in-one app

  • Diverse types of attraction

  • Influencers' reviews

Weakness :

  • Complex interface


Strength :

  • Photography focused

Weakness :

  • Limited hashtag search

  • No review & navigation


Strength :

  • Trusted search engine

Weakness :

  • General information, not photography focus


How Might We

How might we design a straightforward app that tailors to the needs and goals of our two distinct personas, while simplifying the process of researching impressive photo-worthy spots and organizing travel around them?


How Might We

How might we design a straightforward app that tailors to the needs and goals of our two distinct personas, while simplifying the process of researching impressive photo-worthy spots and organizing travel around them?


Crazy 8s Sketches

The contrast in personalities of the two personas presents a challenge to my design approach.

I practiced Crazy 8s Sketches to sketch out a few ideas of the solution. The most complex screen to me is the home screen where we have to satisfy the need of both personas, Nick who prefers photo ops near him, and Sarah, who seek the most popular spots along with address, navigation and even reviews. Because of the complexity of information, my challenge was to present data in the cleanest way possible.


The average user primarily finds their spots on Screen 2, while the avid user makes decisions on Screen 6 - the Detail Page.

I practiced Crazy 8s Sketches to sketch out a few ideas of the solution. The most complex screen to me is the home screen where we have to satisfy the need of both personas, Nick who prefers photo ops near him, and Sarah, who seek the most popular spots along with address, navigation and even reviews. Because of the complexity of information, my challenge was to present data in the cleanest way possible.

Color Palette

I used the bold pink from the brand logo to evoke a sense of happiness and a youthful vibe, enhancing brand recognition.


Crazy 8s Sketches

The contrast in personalities of the two personas presents a challenge to my design approach.

I practiced Crazy 8s Sketches to sketch out a few ideas of the solution. The most complex screen to me is the home screen where we have to satisfy the need of both personas, Nick who prefers photo ops near him, and Sarah, who seek the most popular spots along with address, navigation and even reviews. Because of the complexity of information, my challenge was to present data in the cleanest way possible.


The average user primarily finds their spots on Screen 2, while the avid user makes decisions on Screen 6 - the Detail Page.

I practiced Crazy 8s Sketches to sketch out a few ideas of the solution. The most complex screen to me is the home screen where we have to satisfy the need of both personas, Nick who prefers photo ops near him, and Sarah, who seek the most popular spots along with address, navigation and even reviews. Because of the complexity of information, my challenge was to present data in the cleanest way possible.

Color Palette

I used the bold pink from the brand logo to evoke a sense of happiness and a youthful vibe, enhancing brand recognition.


Using ChatGPT to generate unique labels.

When it came to putting labels such as “popular attraction”, “hidden gems”, “historical spots” and “movie famous”, I faced a challenge trying to fit them on the mobile screen due to their length. Hence, I consulted Chat GPT to explore alternatives and decided on the following:

Popular Attraction

Top Picks

Hidden Gems

Hidden Gems

Historical Attraction


Movie Famous

Screen Gems


Live Prototype


Using ChatGPT to generate unique labels.

When it came to putting labels such as “popular attraction”, “hidden gems”, “historical spots” and “movie famous”, I faced a challenge trying to fit them on the mobile screen due to their length. Hence, I consulted Chat GPT to explore alternatives and decided on the following:

Popular Attraction

Top Picks

Hidden Gems

Hidden Gems

Historical Attraction


Movie Famous

Screen Gems

User Testing

Labels suggested by ChatGPT didn't resonate with users.

Only two out of five users associated “Top Picks” with popular attractions, primarily recognizing it through the heart icon. However, they expressed a preference for the term “popular attraction”, mirroring their familiarity with Google Maps.

User Testing

Test Result

Labels suggested by ChatGPT didn't resonate with users.

Only two out of five users associated “Top Picks” with popular attractions, primarily recognizing it through the heart icon. However, they expressed a preference for the term “popular attraction”, mirroring their familiarity with Google Maps.


Lesson Learned

Gram City's users emphasized the importance of a effortless user experience over unique or concise labelling.

While ChatGPT was acknowledged as smart and helpful, I concern about the irrelevance of the information it provided to my target users. This mismatch led to an asynchronous user experience, highlighting a potential gap in user understanding. Additionally, my users emphasized the importance of a effortless user experience over unique or concise labelling.


Lesson Learned

Gram City's users emphasized the importance of a effortless user experience over unique or concise labelling.

While ChatGPT was acknowledged as smart and helpful, I concern about the irrelevance of the information it provided to my target users. This mismatch led to an asynchronous user experience, highlighting a potential gap in user understanding. Additionally, my users emphasized the importance of a effortless user experience over unique or concise labelling.

Thank you for scrolling through!

Thank you for scrolling through!


User Interview

Based on 10 interviews conducted for user research, I noticed a frequent theme in users' opinions about the types of places they want to photograph when traveling to a new area.

“If I’m in a new city, I like to get a good mix of typical touristy pictures in front of popular buildings and sites…”

"I’d rather find some good places near me that i can take photos of while I’m enjoying my time travelling. ”

"I’ll actually plan out the photos I want to take before hand-it’s worth it to go out of the way for a good one.”

Research Synthesis

I grouped opinions that have similar themes/keywords together and noticed frequent patterns (see photo below). Users commonly search for near me, popular spots, historical, hidden gem or movie famous.

User Persona

Casual users vs. avid users.

Two user personas were discovered in the user research for the Gram City app. The first is casual users, who primarily use the app during their trips to search for places on the spot without heavy planning.

Meanwhile, avid users frequently rely on Gram City for detailed route planning before their trips and are highly engaged with all the features that Gram City provides.

"The Casual User" Persona - Nick Carter

Nick Carter

Age: 24

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Occupation: Video Editor


Nick usually doesn't have strict travel plans. He enjoys finding good spots for photos; however, he doesn't like to spend too much time researching or traveling out of his way to find the spots.


  • No strict travelling plan

  • Search for places on the spot


  • Miss out good photo spots near him

  • Miss out on travel experience

Nick's User Journey


Enter place

Search "Near Me"

Save spots for later


Refresh current location

Search "Near Me"


View "Saved Spots"

Pick spots


"The Avid User" Persona - Sarah Mitchell

Sarah Mitchell

Age: 27

Location: Chicago, IL

Occupation: Event Production


In the past, Sarah took a photography class for personal interest. She is a more invested user than Nick, conducting deep research beforehand to ensure she can visit as many photo opportunities as possible.


  • Try to visit as many places as possible

  • Take impressive photos for her Instagram


  • Photo spots not as expected

  • Lack of inspirations of ways to take photos

Sarah's User Journey


Enter place

Search "Most Popular"

View "Others' Photos"/


Save spots


View "Saved Spots"

Navigate to spots

Check "Others'



Competitive Analysis

I grouped opinions that have similar themes/keywords together and noticed frequent patterns (see photo below). Users commonly search for near me, popular spots, historical, hidden gem or movie famous.


Strength :

  • All-in-one app

  • Diverse types of attraction

  • Influencers' reviews

Weakness :

  • Complex interface


Strength :

  • Photography focused

Weakness :

  • Limited hashtag search

  • No review & navigation


Strength :

  • Trusted search engine

Weakness :

  • General information, not photography focus

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I appreciate you spending your time and interest in my work. If you have a project in mind — please reach me at:

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I appreciate you spending your time and interest in my work. If you have a project in mind — please reach me at:

Thank you for visiting!

I appreciate you spending your time and interest in my work. If you have a project in mind — please reach me at: